Sunday, March 27, 2016

Mary's Faith

     Easter morning has dawned. The sadness and sorrow of Good Friday and Easter Saturday have been replaced by the joy of an empty tomb and the Risen Lord. For some, Good Friday and Easter Saturday are quiet and reflective. For others, they try not to think of what happened on those days, and look only to the promise today brings of Everlasting Life. For me, all of those thoughts combine in my mind and heart. However, during Holy Week, I also tend to reflect on Mary's faith.
     We don't know when or how her dear Joseph died. We only know that in Jesus's last moments He is concerned for his mother and asks John the Beloved to care for her. If Joseph were alive this request would not have been needed. We also know Jesus had the power to heal the sick and raise the dead. He had done so for others, many others. Why not Joseph?
     That's where Mary's faith amazes me. She knew of her son's Divine Heritage and power, yet for Joseph, --healing was not to be. Did she wonder why? Did she experience a faith crisis? Was she angry at God? I don't know for certain, but I imagine Mary grieved that the answer to her prayers was a "no." I also believe Mary trusted, loved, hoped, and remembered. She remembered who her Son was. She remained a woman of faith.
For while she was His mother. Mary knew, He was her Redeemer.



  1. That's something I never thought about. Not only Mary but Jesus would have wept at the loss of his own father too. This must have been one of the things he suffered not only in Gethsemane. He could have lived for years without the support of his step-father, that would have been all the earthly father he knew. I wouldn't be surprised if Joseph was taken right before Jesus started his ministry. Maybe that was part of the plan so he would totally rely on his real father.

  2. Even Prophets can heal the sick but sometimes they can't do the same for their children or wives. Maybe it is to remind us all that God is in charge and he has the ultimate say on this. And Jesus certainly understood this, and who knows what happened. I imagine he was so in tune, that he knew when he could and couldn't heal. And maybe he just knew when to just let it be.
